How to avoid the dull complexion of spring?

Item dyed dull in spring

Girls, we're not going to lie, it's full of depression. The weather is nice, it's starting to feel good, but your skin is not following the same path at all. It's even worse. You have a gray and pale complexion, redness in good shape, fine lines established and your morale is down. Don't panic, Saeve and her playful doe skin cosmetic treatments are here. We will explain to you why your complexion is dull? And above all, what to do to look good in spring by playing on detox and skin cell renewal.

1 – Help, I have gray skin! What is going on ?

In winter, the skin thickens naturally to fight against the cold . The heat concentrates inside the body, leaving a cold and fragile epidermis behind.

Suddenly, spring arrives and with it the resumption of skin activity. No discussion possible, the renewed energy is everywhere. In itself, this awakening of the senses and projects is pleasant. But for skin still numb from winter, it's a bit harsh.

Ultimately, we have spots and redness , sensitivity to the first rays of the sun . And beneath this gray complexion hides dehydration and softened skin.

2 – “New Skin” Action: I cleanse

Cleansing Make-up Removal

In winter, we wear more makeup and use rich, insulating creams. The pores are clogged and the skin breathes poorly. This causes an accumulation of sebum and toxins under a layer of dead cells . The regeneration of the epidermis is difficult. In short, everything is asphyxiated!

You need to give your face a helping hand by applying external cosmetic treatments capable of supporting natural cell regeneration . And to do this, we get rid of dead skin.

Removing makeup and careful cleansing remain essential in your routine to help eliminate them. But be careful, always remaining soft and kind to your skin.

A boost in the bathroom: the Perfect Pisum Minute Radiance Peeling Mask .

10 minutes flat to activate the skin and awaken the complexion by refining the skin texture, which is made possible by its gentle peeling action. Thanks to the presence of oxyresveratrol known for cellular oxygenation, bye bye asphyxia!


3 – “Healthy Skin” Action: I detoxify

Now that we have cleared the way, we give ourselves another helping hand by stimulating the lower layers of the epidermis.

The word is always well put: detox . It's time to motivate your little seborrheic channels to get rid of excess and all pollutants . Makeup, excess squeegee, city exhaust, cigarette smoke, sunscreen from winter sports and inflammatory stress molecules, ... forget it!

Let's target the problem with a serum. Our serums contain natural treasures of incredible active ingredients. In our situation, the Anti-Oxidant Detox Shield Botanical Serum is the key. Thanks to titrated extracts of Dandelion and other magical active ingredients, we eliminate, fight against oxidative stress and renew beauty capital.

And to complete this sweeping intention, why not consume organic Birch Sap to drink ?

Cure Birch sap to drink

Increase the elimination and drainage capacities of your body and your skin by taking advantage of our organic Birch Sap treatment over 2 to 3 weeks (available soon) . We offer you a product of organic origin , whose preservative is only lime. The effects on the body are incredible . We feel energized and ready to awaken with spring.

For more information, do not hesitate to read this post where we present this wonder of nature.

4 – “Stable Skin” action: I rebalance

Adaptable skin is skin whose flora is balanced. By moving from a more or less dormant and occlusive state to hyperactivity, it must juggle its own weapons and in particular its microbiota .

Saeve offers an F90 Radiance Activating Essence , enriched with natural probiotics to harmonize and strengthen the skin barrier . Complexion correction, disappearance of traces of imperfections, eradication of pigment spots to pave the way for a luminous and soothed complexion are the proven and experienced effects of our Essence.

5 – “Light Skin” Action: I hydrate


During this “spring face” plan, it is imperative to continue to hydrate . We are leaving the drying atmospheres of winter heating to move towards the first heat and the imperceptible loss of water from the skin.

Prefer light and melting textures . They hydrate without being heavy and let the skin breathe. And that's where our Radiance Infusion Smoothing Cream comes into play. The Pois titrated active ingredients from the Perfect Pisum skincare range reveal a harmonious and luminous complexion . Massive lighting on skin that breathes and radiates !

6 – “Perfect Skin” action: I optimize

Immunox Saeve patent

Remember that in all our natural treatments, we have included our patented Immunox® composed of organic Birch sap and organic Chaga mushroom . The innovative and perfect botanical combination of its treasures of Nature plays both on the detox of the skin , but also on its natural defense mechanisms and its renewal.

Choosing Saeve in your routine means bringing living matter to your skin every day to give it vigor but gently.

For a return to beautiful spring skin, call upon the magic of our New Skin Micro Peel Botanical Night Serum . The skin is partly renewed at night, and it is at this time that the active ingredients in the care take on their full importance. Exploit the vein by giving your epidermis the weapons to shine from the first minutes of waking up.

With Saeve, you will see, you will finally find yourself beautiful.

The T[æ]m

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