We see you ladies… This year, you were once again fooled by Christmas delicacies. You had however sworn not to abuse the good things and not to overeat.
But the end-of-year celebrations are conducive to so many small pleasures that it would be sad to deprive yourself of them. A little more little chocolates here, a little more of this delicious gratin there. Maybe a last glass of champagne?
The result is final, you feel disgusted. Your digestion plays tricks on you and whatever you eat, it passes with difficulty. In the morning, you have less tone when you wake up.
As for your skin, it looks greyish. Some redness and blemishes have appeared and settled on your cheeks and forehead. You may even see yourself puffy and with bags under your eyes.
SOS DETOX , it is to get rid of traces of all these excesses of all kinds.
As we find everything in terms of advice, we have decided to bring together 5 simple and obvious recommendations to help your body eliminate excess and start again from the start of the year on a good basis.
Some advice makes sense, but it's good to remember them. Others will be such effective boosts for your well-being.
Let's go for a great period of fitness after the excess food of the holidays.
1 – Stop the excesses
As simple as it may sound, it's important to bring some balanced food back into your life. Contrary to what one might think, it is not necessary to revolutionize all of your eating habits.
Outside of the holidays, you feel good. So quite simply, quickly find the same rhythm and the same reflexes as usual.
We remind you that the balance of the plate suggests not depriving yourself of anything. All nutritional families are to be considered. Do not eliminate anything drastically.
We can for example eat lipids, but those from the family of good essential fatty acids. They have so much to give you. The good polyunsaturated fats like omega 3 are the most interesting for you. They participate in the hydration and the suppleness of the skin with omega 6. They are found in virgin oils from first organic cold pressing such as hemp oil, walnut oil or rapeseed oil.
Avocados and raw butter are also your friends with their vitamin E content, a major antioxidant against aging skin. Fresh and organic eggs , whose yolk remains runny, are also very interesting. They are precursors of vitamin A with an essential role in maintaining healthy skin.
On your plate, here is the perfect balance of sinequanone: 1/3 animal or vegetable protein, 1/3 carbohydrates and half raw and cooked vegetables.
And for the sweet tooth, avoid harsh restrictions so you don't crack along the way. Perhaps prefer dried fruits and 70% dark chocolate for small pleasures.
2 – Practice a mono-diet
Less taxing than water fasting or dry fasting, mono-diets are perfect naturopathic methods for putting digestion to rest. They allow to give respite to the metabolism. The body receives only one nutritional information. Less busy digesting, he can then eliminate excesses and toxins more easily.
You will eat the same food for as long as you choose. It can last from 3 days to 3 weeks maximum. Here are the foods we recommend for this winter period:
- Rice
- Banana
- Yam
- Carrot
The mono-diet allows you to eat and therefore continue to live your daily life without difficulty since the body has energy.
Determine when you want to practice it. After choosing a food from the list, go shopping to have unlimited access to it.
You can choose to consume the food in any of these forms. For example for bananas, you can eat them raw, dehydrated, in chips, in compote without added sugar, in a smoothie with a little water. If you choose carrots, you can eat them raw, grated, lacto-fermented, boiled, steamed or mashed. Eat your fill of course.
The effects of the mono-diet are felt from the first day. We find energy and a feeling of intense lightness from the 3rd day.
We draw your attention to the fact that you must not have any particular health problem to do so. If you are in any doubt, seek advice from a health or wellness professional such as a naturopath.
3 – Drink green tea

The liver constantly needs support in these elimination and detoxification functions. After the holidays, the context is all the more true that we could consume alcohol to celebrate Christmas or the transition to the New Year.
Green tea contains powerful antioxidants such as catechins and flavonols. The best known active ingredient in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate. It is known to promote calm digestion. Certain varieties of green tea are also recommended in Asia to help with intestinal discomfort.
Choose quality green teas that are purchased from tea specialists. Prefer them in bulk and in herbalist cups. They should be a nice green in the bag and give an equally colorful tea in your cup.
We advise you to favor Japanese green teas such as Sencha or Bencha with a view to detox.
Green tea is also known to support weight loss wishes. This can easily be claimed if you have taken a little on the scale with the excess food of the holidays.
It will be advisable to consume about 50cl per day for 2 tablespoons over 3 weeks.
If you have known iron deficiencies, avoid doing this type of cure. We also advise against drinking green tea if you have heavy periods to avoid excessive iron loss as well. Prioritize the following tip instead.
4 – Focus on vitamin C
We recently published an article on the key role of vitamin C in the body. We invite you to read this post to learn about its involvement in supporting healthy skin.
Be aware, however, that vitamin C actively participates in the elimination functions of the body and supports the hepatic sphere. It enters the process of detoxification of exogenous toxins.
Vitamin C is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. It does not support heat and oxidizes in the open air. This is why we advise you to go regularly to the market gardener and to consume the food quickly.
This vitamin is found in citrus fruits, kiwis, green vegetables including crucifers such as cabbage.

However, we now know that the vitamin C content of plants is much lower than before. Our soils are increasingly impoverished. If you can, buy your fruits and vegetables from organic stores. Eat raw vegetables and fruits on a daily basis.
However, in order to complete your needs and especially after the holidays, do not hesitate to use food supplements. In this case, be careful about the choice of supplement. Ask for advice in specialized stores so that you can be shown the effective supplements. Time-release vitamin C are the most interesting. As it is not stored in the body, those with long diffusion are more efficient.
Either way, your skin and liver will thank you. Your immunity will be supported along the way. Guaranteed return of unfailing vitality.
5 – Do a fresh birch sap cure
Last but not least, we invite in these wise advices the most effective solution in addition to a fresh, varied and nutritionally balanced diet: fresh organic Birch Sap .
As you know, organic Birch Sap is an essential ingredient in our skin products as its effectiveness is so convincing.
Used for hundreds of years, the medicinal properties of organic Birch Sap are explained by its richness in simple but essential nutrients: magnesium, calcium, potassium, silica, manganese, iron, copper…. An organism storing all these essential nutrients is more apt to eliminate. Also, organic Birch Sap has a remineralizing action on the body.
This drink is also provided with many antioxidants including vitamin C mentioned above. It has the particularity of activating diuresis, therefore elimination by the kidney. This will benefit the support of the liver by systemic repercussion. It is therefore purifying and detoxifying the body.
Thus, our organic Birch Sap to drink is doubly recommended during this period when you can feel tired in addition to a general feeling of heaviness. And, unlike other detox cures, it does not leave you "flat" but gives you renewed energy!
This living product is easy to use. We invite you to read the article devoted to its magical properties and its use. But as a reminder, we advise you to do a good cure of 3 weeks at the rate of one glass per day, that is to say approximately 25 cl. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach.
Gentle activation of elimination, rapid and gradual return of energy, deep detoxification, intense cellular nourishment, your body regains its power and is deeply cleansed.
However, it is not recommended to consume fresh organic Birch Sap if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you suffer from kidney failure or if you have just contracted Covid 19 or one of its variants. In the latter case, wait until the problem has passed.
Be sure to ask your doctor for advice if you have any doubts.
We told you, there is no need to complicate your life to carry out a detox. Humble food gestures and good products like Birch Sap will be enough to erase the little errors of holiday treats.
For the end of year celebrations 2021, there are only good memories.
La T[æ]m with Delphine Baratier, our naturopath.