Why is being a teenager so hard? Why is their pretty baby skin turning red and covered in acne and blemishes? Why when they tend to gain self-confidence, the appearance of their face makes it even more complicated?
Adolescence is the age when everything begins to become possible. Teenagers emancipate and free themselves to live their first dreams. This is the age when they begin to experience life in what it can be most exciting but also most confronting. And for good reason, acne in adolescence comes to scratch their stammering self-esteem in construction.
Is acne a fatality? No. Acne affects 60% of the teenage population. There are also varying degrees in its expression with several types of pimples: whiteheads or blackheads, pustules, papules, etc.
15% of young people would be affected by a severe form that really impacts their daily life; school discomfort, withdrawal, social shame and feeling of dirtiness…
Today, research and progress have made it possible to understand and find solutions to better help this problem. Above all, never lose hope. In most cases, improvement occurs around the age of 18.
In the meantime, we explain to you what to do to help your teenagers to walk quietly towards their adult life without worrying about their face.
Teenagers and acne, concretely what happens?
Aaaahhh, puberty…… This great moment in life when the passage of the body from child to adult triggers an untimely hormonal discharge.
Basically, boys will produce androgen hormones such as testosterone . Girls also produce it in small quantities to ensure the development of muscles and the strengthening of the osteo-articular apparatus . They also host their own production of estrogen . These will trigger the menarche which marks the end of puberty in the young girl with the first rules. These hormones therefore develop the sexual character and the reproductive organs for each individual. In addition to this state of affairs, the weight and height still evolve during this period.
But there is also a development of body hair and sweat glands .
These are two twin notions of ours: the skin. Indeed, the spontaneous hormonal overload of androgens induces an overproduction of sebum . Its nature thickens and the pores fill up. It is this phenomenon that will lead to acne, blemishes and eventually scarring.
There is also another factor that impacts the condition of the skin: Propionibacterium acnes . But what is this stuff?
It is a small bacterium present in the skin microbiota . Like many bacteria, it means us no harm as long as there are no conditions favoring its opportunistic proliferation.
However, it feeds on sebum and becomes inflammatory in an anaerobic environment. In fact, it reacts immediately imprisoned in a clogged pilosebaceous canal. This microbiotic imbalance is characterized by the expression of red and painful pimples.
Add to this various subjects of anxiety, wearing a sanitary mask, consumption of industrialized and overly sweet products, Junk Food, sometimes alcohol and tobacco and the picture continues to blush...
What to do for teenage acne?
Should we consider that the teenagers affected are forced to suffer without being able to act? The answer is obviously negative. Let's not forget that anything is possible! There is always a way to temper the expression of acne, or even get rid of it!
That said, you will have to arm yourself with rigor and patience . Don't give up too quickly.
In the next paragraph, you will be given tips for local intervention on the face. Let's focus first on the hygiene of life.
- Stop endocrine disruptors
Do you know that endocrinologists and dermatologists observe that the age of puberty begins earlier and earlier. Some young girls get their periods before the age of 10. It would seem that this is not without the influence of endocrine disruptors. They would have the unfortunate tendency to stimulate hormonal receptors and create unbalanced physiological reactions.
So now is the time to make our teens aware of food choices. Fruits and vegetables in larger quantities, of course, but from organic or peasant farming with almost no “pesticide” impact.
- Let your food be your medicine

So of course, there are also endocrine disruptors in plastic food packaging, but the major problem is elsewhere.
- Stop sugar 1
Especially in the crisis phase where the production of insulin with regard to the sugar consumed acts on the production of androgens . It's time to warn about the consumption of sodas, cakes, cookies and too much cereal bowls.
We invite you to bake at home by limiting the sugar in recipes to the required half and using panelle or coconut sugar. And for cereals, make way for homemade granola .
- Limit dairy products 2
They are rich in animal growth hormones and lactose. They also contain omega 6. When overloaded in the diet, they also increase insulin and testosterone . And it's often the milk that accompanies the big bowl of overly sweetened cereal.
We opt for vegetable drinks such as oat or coconut milk . Watch out for creams, fresh creams and other white cheeses.
On the other hand, real yogurts contain probiotics which may be of interest.
- Long live omega 3
It's clear that teenagers often have a total aversion to fish. It is however very interesting to consume it up to 3 times a week. We can possibly offer them cooler recipes with Energy Balls made from walnuts and Chia seeds. Consider supplementation if needed.
- Place with spices
Turmeric 3 , ginger, paprika, cinnamon…. All these spices help reduce inflammatory reactions and magnify the skin. We therefore invite the cuisines of the world to liven up the plates of our teenagers. Often, they just love Indian or Oriental food. Long live Chaï Tea or Golden Oat Milk.
- We drive away the stress
Adolescence is also about continuous exams and important school work, regular feelings of injustice and anger, the first emotions of love…. Depending on family vagaries, a teenager may tend to keep his emotional feelings to himself.
Stress acts directly on blood cortisol levels . Too much cortisol can cause inflammation. Cortisol is also closely related to blood sugar.
In the event of persistent or chronic acne, it is then urgent to wonder about the sources of anxiety and the fears of the young person concerned.
Think about all the solutions to lower stress levels: sports and recreational activities, musical or artistic passions , respected rest time and strolls that strengthen creativity...
If necessary, it is sometimes interesting to consult professionals in Psychology.
Pur Paradisi, the ultimate routine for teenage skin

And on the face then? What to do ?
The cleaning step is essential. In the morning, it rids the skin of excess nocturnal sebum production . In the evening, it frees you from pollution, perspiration, dead skin and make-up if necessary.
The Pur Paradisi range contains extracts of Pink Grapefruit titrated in deeply purifying fruit acids . We therefore offer you the Purifying Cleansing Gel . It also contains burnet with astringent properties and disinfectant zinc salts .
The lethal weapon Saeve can be found among our serums. Here it is the Botanical Purifying Anti-Blemish Serum . 4 drops are enough morning and evening to soothe the war on your face. In a few days, the reddened appearance fades, bacterial proliferation subsides and pores are unclogged and tightened. It has a sebum-regulating action which also limits visible shine. Peace and light finally settle on your skin. It can also be used on the shoulders and back, as well as applied topically to pimples directly.
Finally, it would be unthinkable to leave the skin without hydration. Dehydrated skin activates its sebum production to protect itself.
For the day, we suggest Pur Paradisi Purifying Botanical Fluid with a texture as light as a feather, for an immediate mattifying effect. And for the evening, hydrate yourself more comfortably with the Hydra Malva Soothing Quenching Cream with softening titrated Mallow extracts. Guaranteed baby skin touch.

In a month of ritual, a radical change is visible. We are not asking you to believe us, we are asking you to read all the testimonials of our young consumers who have already freed themselves from acne.
If they have succeeded, it is also within your reach.
The T[æ]m
1 Smith RN1, Mann NJ, Braue A, Mäkeläinen H, Varigos GA A low-glycemic-load diet improves symptoms in acne vulgaris patients: a randomized controlled trial. . Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Jul;86(1):107-15.
2 Aghasi M, Golzarand M, Shab-Bidar S, Aminianfar A, Omidian M, Taheri F. Dairy intake and acne development: A meta-analysis of observational studies. Clin Nutr. 2019 Jun;38(3):1067-1075. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.04.015. Epub 2018 May 8. PMID: 29778512.
3 Jain A, Basal E. Inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes-induced mediators of inflammation by Indian herbs. Phytomedicine. 2003 Jan;10(1):34-8. doi: 10.1078/094471103321648638. PMID: 12622461.