We have been talking about it for several years in the field of anti-aging cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid is essential for any face cream that aims to fight against cellular aging.
Hyaluronic acid is an essential molecule for our body. We need it for functions much larger than the simple aesthetic side of the beauty of our face.
After reading this article, you will know what place it should take in your daily facial care routine.
Hyaluronic acid is THE essential miracle molecule. It allows the skin to firm up, plump up, keep its suppleness, and fight against the effects of time. We can say that it acts directly on your self-confidence.
What woman has never felt the anguish of seeing her skin change, marked by age? Sagging, sagging of the oval of the face, more marked dark circles... Sometimes, we have the feeling that things are going too fast. It is a normal process, but it is possible and it is up to us to slow it down, in particular the aging process thanks to hyaluronic acid, to be well in your head and in your body.
Focus on this molecule that preserves the youth of your skin.
What is hyaluronic acid and what is it used for?
Hyaluronic acid is a natural lubricant whose role is to hydrate and promote the flexibility and mobility of certain tissues . Hyaluronic acid is found at the joints of the joints where it densifies the nourishing synovial fluid for the cartilage. Hyaluronic acid is also found in the vitreous humor of our eyes: this is what gives the eye a globular appearance and ensures its normal function. Hyaluronic acid is a constituent of the extracellular fluid that surrounds brain cells; that is to say its importance for us.
When we talk about hyaluronic acid, most people think of cosmetic surgery and swollen, ultimately unsightly faces. Yet we need it for more important reasons than aesthetics.
If you suffer from joint discomfort in the knees, a rheumatologist can advise you to take a cure of hyaluronic acid among other supplements, or recommend injections to help you. On another note, if you are a victim of dry eye due to the lack of tears, the continuous intake of hyaluronic acid can greatly improve things.
And for the skin of our face then? Hyaluronic acid has an important role in the integrity of the skin. In our articles dedicated to anti-aging, we have repeatedly told you about the mesh of collagen and elastin fibers, which maintain the shapes of our face. And to keep it looking fresh and rested, we need to maintain its production of collagen in our face.
But what about the space between its fine fibers? The collagen is filled with a nourishing and supporting extracellular fluid based on hyaluronic acid. It captures water from the tissues to create a kind of jelly. The more hyaluronic acid we have, the more important the maintenance of the skin is.
We then understand how essential it is. The only problem is that over time, the presence of natural hyaluronic acid in our body becomes scarce. Indeed, hyaluronic acid disappears by itself, but also because of some of our behaviors. The facial skin then loses its firmness, the skin sags slowly and wrinkles set in.
What to do to maintain its production of natural hyaluronic acid on a daily basis?
It goes without saying that if hyaluronic acid is a water sensor, it is on the condition that it can find it. It is therefore imperative that you ensure that you have an adequate supply of water every day. This will be beneficial for all your physiological tissues and especially for your skin.
To perpetuate the presence of hyaluronic acid, you must also avoid excessive exposure to the sun . In fact, it is our attitude towards the sun that is the problem: no protection, hours of exposure that are too long and at the wrong times, little hydration... This is enough to cause a significant loss of water and to generate premature aging of everything that constitutes our skin, to give way to wrinkles and fine lines, which are however not welcome.
When it comes to food, anything gelatinous contains hyaluronic acid. You might be advised to make bone broth, but that's not the easiest or most appetizing thing. On the other hand, certain foods contain molecules that promote the maintenance of hyaluronic acid, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, soy products or fruits and vegetables.
Overall, it is wiser to go through internal cures, in addition to your routine face care gestures.
Hyaluronic acid in the spotlight at Saeve
The simplest gesture to curb the loss of hyaluronic acid is to go through daily cosmetic application . The very fact of bringing it to the skin helps to maintain its natural production in our body. Hyaluronic acid, applied to the face, will immediately smooth, refine and refresh the features. It will hydrate the skin deeply and soak up the water you give it.
You can also use our brand new Soothing Re-hydrating Mist enriched with fresh Organic Birch Sap and Spring Water from the Auvergne volcanoes, to soothe tightness, moisturize and tone the skin.
At Saeve, our serums are among the most concentrated in hyaluronic acid on the market. Depending on the products, we can offer you facial treatments based on hyaluronic acid with different molecular structures.
For example, in our Hydra Malva intense hydration range, we have added pure hyaluronic acid of vegetable origin in order to bring a lot of moisture to the skin. The molecules are larger, which ensures they stay on the surface, and therefore an immediate plumping and smoothing effect.
The product in the range that contains the most is the Soothing 24-Hour Hydrating Botanical Serum . It creates an important water protection barrier. It is this serum that should be applied to wrinkles and fine lines to prevent dehydration from affecting the deeper layers of the skin.
In our Lift Pinaster Anti-Aging and Firming range, we use a fragmented hyaluronic acid , with a finer molecular weight. It is therefore more apt to penetrate the epidermis to work in depth on the effects of time.
The important thing is to act on the quantity and the regeneration of our natural hyaluronic acid, and Pinaster Botanical Anti-Aging Firming Serum is an incredible source of it. It also contains other molecules such as titrated Pine extract which supports the production of collagen.
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